
Fantastically Flat Abs

Can you believe the countdown to summer is here? Which means?? Yep- you guessed it, swimsuit time! And what does everyone want just in time for bathing suit season? Right again!! A nice, toned, sexy, flat, stomach. Which leads me to my final question. Are YOU ready to finally get that sexy, flat, toned tummy you have always wanted?? Well, Ok then! Let’s get to blasting those abs FLAT!

Basic Crunches
Lay down on your back, feet on the floor with your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head, but remember, don’t pull on your neck. Next I just want you to crunch up, lifting your shoulders off the floor while keeping your spine and neck neutral and looking up towards the ceiling. Repeat for 25 reps.

Oblique Crunches
Take the basic crunch position again, but this time you are going to put your right ankle on your left knee. You are going to put your left arm straight out beside you, and your right hand behind your head. Now you are going to crunch your right elbow towards your left knee. Do this for 25
reps and then repeat on the other side for 25 reps.

Lower Leg Lifts
Lay on the floor with your feet straight in the air, with your hands placed below your lower back. Then you are going to do a reverse crunch with your legs. With your feet flexed, push them up towards the ceiling lifting your booty off the ground. Repeat and do this 25 times.(Modification: If you still have strain on your lower back while performing these, go ahead and bend your legs instead of keeping them straight.)

Lay flat on the ground with your hands placed behind your head and your feet off the ground.Then bring your right knee in (left leg stays straight and slightly off the ground) while twisting your upper body and bringing your left elbow towards your right knee. Then do the same thing on the opposite side. Continue alternating opposite elbows with opposite knees until you have reached 25 reps, only counting your right knee. How are we feeling?! You just completed 125 reps working out and firming up your tummy! Feeling like you need more?! Go for 250 reps, and do it one more time. You can do this routine 3-4 times a week, combined with wearing your Feel Foxy shape ware reminding you to keep your abs nice and tight, and you will be seeing a difference in no time. Until next time, stay FOXY!

The Bertinator - Bertie Ranger - Real Housewives of Orange County

Your Celebrity Fitness Expert

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